Sunday, March 21, 2010

De-railed by Injury

Last Sunday I rolled my ankle while running.   I didn't step on anything, I wasn't on uneven ground, it was just me being klutzy and landing wrong on my foot.   Fortunately I beleive it was only a grade one ankle sprain, as my gait was back to normal by Monday.   But I was very careful to use the RICE treatment method and had to rethink my running plan for the week, as I was still sore and somewhat swollen.   So, I chose to "rest" the first 3 days after the sprain and cross train.   This was especially hard to do this week as we finally had our first week of sun and 60 degree weather - perfect for outdoor activities!  But, being the good patient that I like to think that I am, I fought the urge to deviate from my plan and rested my ankle for 3 days.   Fortunately, by Thursday, I was able to run at an easy pace pretty much painfree.  I was still a little cautious with my long run on Saturday and was pleasently surprised this morning when I woke up to a painfree ankle (while walking) and only my quads really objecting to my long run yesterday!

 It still hurts with certain movements, but at this point in time, I am hopeful that I can resume the distances this week that my plan shows.   However, I think the hills and speedwork may have to wait another week!  

My stats for the week:
Monday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 30 minutes light strengthening - mostly upper body and abs
Tuesday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 45 minutes on the stationary bike
Wed:  20 minute walk with the dog, 2400 swim (800 pulls)
Thursday:  20 minute walk with dog, 60 minute easy run
Friday:  20 minute walk with the dog, rest
Saturday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 18 mile run (plan called for 20 and I promised my coach I wouldn't do 20 miles, so I turned around a little early).
Sunday:  30 minute walk, 30 mile bike ride

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I am staying the week with my dad since my mother went down to Myrtle Beach with friends for a  long vacation.    I enjoy staying here because it allows me time to spend with my father, it is quiet, I don't have as many interruptions, and it is more fun cooking for two than for one.    So, I am going to try out some new recipe today with an old stand-by.   

The new recipe is:  Butternut Squash Bread Pudding, a recipe made by and given to me by my good friend Liz.   I loved it when she made it for us and I am going to see if I can reproduce the recipe tonight. 

I am going to serve this with an old favorite of mine, Pork Tenderloin and braised brussel sprouts on the side. 

Stats for the Week:
Wed (3/10/10):  My first speed workout with MIT.  10 minute warm up, (1000x4:35 with 1:1 work:rest)x5, 10 minute cool down
Thursday (3/11/10):  2700 swim, 40 minute run
Friday: rest day
Saturday:  13.3 mile run with MIT
Sunday:  5 mile run at Highbanks (easy run)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And the Running Goes On

Training for the Big Sur continues and I am starting to get into the longer distances for the marathon training.   Fotunately the blistering cold that Ohio seemed to get for much of the winter has gone by the wayside for a little while.    For whatever reason, a sunny day always seems to make a run feel a bit easier.    Of course, running after an ice cream truck might be good motivation too!  

My stats since last week:
Friday:  rest
Saturday:  18+ mile run
Sunday:  30 mile (outdoor) bike ride
Monday:  60 minute hill run
Tuesday:  2500 swim

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Need for Speed

I am fascinated by all people that are fast.   I love watching all of the events in which speed (human) counts.   I can probably name more track-n-field athletes and endurance athletes than I can  football players right now.  

So, a question that I have been asking more of myself recently.   Why do I not try harder to increase my speed, to PR each race that I do?   Because in all honesty, I really don't try that hard on speedwork; on the run, on the bike, or in the water.    Is the potential there?  Yeah, I would like to think that it is, but the reality of it is that I don't want to push myself that hard.  

It's funny how things have come full circle.   I can remember when I was young that I loved to run, bike, and swim.   I would run just for the sake of running, my mom can attest to this.  I loved to race my friends on the bike and in the water in the summers.  And, I was fast.   I can remember being one of the two fastest girls in gradeschool.   Tiffany and I often tied in alot of the races that we did.  Then something weird happened, I grew and got taller and Tiffany didn't.  With this growth came alot of awkardness and suddenly all that speed that I had seemed to disappear.  

Around the same time I started to become more involved in team sports, in particular soccer.   Which has alot of running.   As I got older this included alot of conditioning and speed workouts and drills.   It also came with the realization that I was no longer fast.   In fact, on my highschool team, I was one of the slowest runners.   And I struggled with all of the runs that we did, particularly the long ones.   I can remember many mornings, after these runs, puking and dry-heaving in the bushes as everyone started practice.   At some point I came to HATE all of the conditioning and even quit the soccer team my senior year because I didn't want to do the conditioning anymore.  

Although I quit soccer in highschool, I did continue to play rec leagues in college and then after a graduated.   Again, as I got older I started to feel my slowness and also my poor conditioning.   So eventually I started to run again (on my own) so that I could keep up with everyone when I played co-ed soccer.   Then a strange thing happened.   Somewhere along the way I actually started to LIKE running.   And slowly, I have built up my endurance so I can do longer distances.   And now I love running, biking, and swimming.  

So, I think one of the biggest reasons I don't push myself to do speedwork is because of the memory of puking in the bushes and the frustration at feeling so slow and hating it.   I am afraid that if I really push myself that will happen again.   And now that I actually enjoy what I am doing, I am reluctant to let that go. 

So, in keeping with the theme of speed, check out this speed work-out we did last week in swim class:
300 warm up
200 kick
200 pull
(10x25 on 30 sec, 25 ez) x 6
drill:  3 x 50 choice
150 cool down

My stats since last the last blog:
Mon:  60 minute run
Tuesday:  2700 swim, 30 minute strength train with a personal trainer
Wed:  60 minute run
Thurs:  2600 swim, 40 minute run
Friday:  rest
Saturday: 17 miler on snow covered trails
Sunday:  rest
Monday:  60 minute run
Tuesday: rest
Wed:  60 minute run
Thurs:  35 minute run, 30 minutes strength