Sunday, March 21, 2010

De-railed by Injury

Last Sunday I rolled my ankle while running.   I didn't step on anything, I wasn't on uneven ground, it was just me being klutzy and landing wrong on my foot.   Fortunately I beleive it was only a grade one ankle sprain, as my gait was back to normal by Monday.   But I was very careful to use the RICE treatment method and had to rethink my running plan for the week, as I was still sore and somewhat swollen.   So, I chose to "rest" the first 3 days after the sprain and cross train.   This was especially hard to do this week as we finally had our first week of sun and 60 degree weather - perfect for outdoor activities!  But, being the good patient that I like to think that I am, I fought the urge to deviate from my plan and rested my ankle for 3 days.   Fortunately, by Thursday, I was able to run at an easy pace pretty much painfree.  I was still a little cautious with my long run on Saturday and was pleasently surprised this morning when I woke up to a painfree ankle (while walking) and only my quads really objecting to my long run yesterday!

 It still hurts with certain movements, but at this point in time, I am hopeful that I can resume the distances this week that my plan shows.   However, I think the hills and speedwork may have to wait another week!  

My stats for the week:
Monday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 30 minutes light strengthening - mostly upper body and abs
Tuesday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 45 minutes on the stationary bike
Wed:  20 minute walk with the dog, 2400 swim (800 pulls)
Thursday:  20 minute walk with dog, 60 minute easy run
Friday:  20 minute walk with the dog, rest
Saturday:  20 minute walk with the dog, 18 mile run (plan called for 20 and I promised my coach I wouldn't do 20 miles, so I turned around a little early).
Sunday:  30 minute walk, 30 mile bike ride

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