Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Do I Tri?

Many people have asked me lately why I want to do a full Ironman. This is an interesting question, especially when I can recall saying "There is no way I would ever do one of those, that is crazy" just a few years ago. There are a few reasons that I think are behind my sudden change in direction and new found goal of trying to complete the Arizona Ironman this year:

  1. The more races I watch, the more confidence I have that I can do one of these. The first one I watched, I was in awe of all the athletes that were able to complete this race. They came in all shapes, sizes, ages. The oldest finisher was 80 and he finished 10 minutes prior to the youngest, who was 18. I was still amazed though that all these people were crazy enough to try this and finish - including my boyfriend, his brother, and one of their good friends. After spectating for more and more events, however, I really have come to recongnize all the different people and levels of people that do these races. And as I have done more races, I have gained confidence, that just maybe I can do this too.

  2. Because I can. Humanity, or mortality if you will, has been on my mind alot in the past year. It started when my boyfriend's mother was diagnosed with cancer last year. We watched her struggle with her humanity as she battled cancer with chemo and radiation. She put up a very good fight, but in time, cancer claimed her humanity and she passed away in June. Watching someone you love die, affects people in a lot of different ways, mourning is also very different in each individual. But, eventually you start to look at your life a little differently and really think about it and question if there is anything you can/should do differently. Last October one of my friends was diagnosed with Lymphoma. She started chemo shortly after that and has put up a phemoninal fight with her humanity. I just found out that last week she had her first clear scan and at this point in time is cancer free!! Last, I have watched my father go from a very large and healthy man to one that is frail and tires easily. He has Parkinson's, severe spinal stenosis, and seems to be losing weight at an alarming rate. Despite this all, he still makes it out to golf at least once a week, goes to exercise class 1 -2 times a week and will take time to talk with his daughters (if they take the effort to do so). Despite all the obstacles thrown his way, with my mother at his side, they are battling with his humanity.

So as I have watched friends and family alike battle different ailments, sleep for days, battle GI problems, struggle to walk up stairs or take a 10 minute walk, etc. I realized how healthy I am now, and that may not always be the case. So, while I have this healthy body, I really need to see what I can do! So why not try an Ironman?

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